
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Some Great Tools to Use!

As I've been studying the Law of Attraction I've come across some very useful tools! These tools can help you get "unstuck", keep you focused on your goals, and help you expand your imagination!

Let's start with expanding your imagination. I learned this trick from Barbara and Susan at . They hosted the teleconference I participated in. When I am feeling stuck this exercise really helps me! Sometimes affirmations have a negative effect on me, if they don't "ring true," and I find I can "believe" them. My vision is limited sometimes, and although I know intellectually that I don't need to know the "how" of something manifesting... I have a difficult time buying into it emotionally. It's hard to "feel" when you can't believe... so I take baby steps to get myself "there" emotionally. This is so important because the emotional "feeling" component is vital to the manifesting process.

If I say: "My money arrives frequently and easily." A voice somewhere in my head may call me a liar, at first! To get around this I use a progressive affirmation and get there in steps.

I begin with:
"I am willing to believe in the possibility that my money arrives frequently and easily."

Comfortable with that?
Then it transforms into:
"I am willing to believe that my money arrives frequently and easily."

And finally:
My money arrives frequently and easily.

By the time I get to the last version my mind has envisioned and "bought into" the affirmation... so the negative self talk dissolves naturally.

When I'm feeling desperately "stuck", this tool works wonders: I take a piece of paper and fold it down the middle, making two columns. On one side I make a list of all the things that I don't want. On the other side I list the opposite, that is, the things I do want.
For example:

"I don't want to be drowning in debt" on one side, will get restated into a positive "I have more that enough money" on the other. Tear the column apart... shred or burn the column with the negative statements. The positive statements can be posted where you can see them or put in your journal to be reviewed often. Abundance Coach, Velma Gallant of Welcome Changes developed this tool. She refers to this as the Dump and Flip. That's exactly what's happening here... you are changing your focus, flipping it over, so to speak!

Another powerful tool is a vision board. It is a fact that most people are visually oriented. A picture is worth a thousand words! Make a vision board with pictures of your goals on it. It is also good to include things in your life that you are grateful for now! Gratitude is a powerful state to be in. Keep this board in your sight. I keep mine in my work area so it keeps me focused on what I'm accomplishing and why I'm working.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Watch "The Secret" for FREE!

I just bought a copy of "The Secret" Friday! Now I can watch it whenever I want on my 42" Plasma Flat Screen TV!!! Woo-hoo! If you would like to watch "The Secret" for FREE on your computer you can use this link:

I would also like to plan a "The Secret" day, similiar to the Workshop I attended last weekend! It was very beneficial & fun event with a Professional Coach, a massage therapist, a reflexology therapist --there was also an Arbonne Representative there...but absolutely NO PRESSURE to buy (or even look) at anything! (The products are very good -- they sell themselves!)

We participated in a "Getting Unstuck" workshop, followed by some wonderful pampering, a light lunch and a viewing of "The Secret." I would like to put together such a day for my friends! If you are interested let me know!

If you have not seen the movie yet, do yourself a favor and watch it ASAP! It is a 90 minute movie that could change your outlook on life! Share it with as many people as possible --the more people that are aware of "the Secret" the better -- for the world!

If this link becomes inoperable let me know and I will look for an updated link to post!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Universe doesn’t care what you want, it’s only responding to what you’re interested in.**

This has been a fun week. You know how when you're buying a red car ... suddenly you see red cars everywhere? Well... I've been focused on personal growth and coaching... I wanted a coach, wanted to be a coach, needed a coach, ... you get the picture.

Last week after the Oprah show on "The Secret" I found a link to a teleconference law of attraction "coaching" session. It was free and I signed up. They asked for questions and if they like your question you might be an active participant in the teleconference (last Saturday). They liked my question! So now I ended up receiving a free coaching session on the phone last Saturday! It was very enlightening. My question was: "How to over come fear and anxiety once and for all and just go about attracting want you want in your life?" Several things came out and I learned a lot! Actually I learned about some of my limiting beliefs. When I finished the call I decided to hire a coach that I knew, someone who's helped me before...I realized that obviously my work with him was far from finished!

A woman my husband works with emailed me an invitation to a spa day that included a group work shop with a coach and I signed up for that. We have never really emailed back and forth before, so this was out of the blue! The Spa day was today and it was very good! We did a workshop about getting unstuck and I felt it was very beneficial and also confirmed that I need to get into that yoga class I've been contemplating! We finished the day by watching "The Secret."

Finally, while I was working last week I called a prospective advertiser back (I sell advertising) to see what type of business she had and what I could do for her... you guessed it... she is a coach and she trains other coaches... Now I'm not sure what, if anything will come from that encounter... but in all the years I've sold advertising I've never ended up in a conversation with a personal coach on promoting their business and developing other coaches.

Coincidence?...I think not! biggrin.gif
**Blog title is quoted from Oprah's second show on The Secret. (via Velma's notes) Thanks Velma!

Thursday, February 8, 2007

The Secret on Oprah!

"Nothing new can come into your life until you are grateful for what you already have!" -- Dr. Michael Beckwith on Oprah 2/8/07

The Power of Gratitude!!!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

What's Impossible?

I spoke on the Law of Attraction at Toastmasters recently. I could have called the speech "What's Impossible?"... because for some reason that is where my focus ended up. As I was working on the speech it really hit home with me just how relative "impossible" really is.

Do you know that at one time it was impossible to go around the world? The world was believed to be flat and there was a fear that one could fall off! We laugh now, at this silliness, but at the time this was the conventional wisdom.

In the not so distant past it was impossible to fly, now not only do we have a multitude of daily flights all over the globe... we have gone a step beyond regular flight and sent man into outer space, to the moon, another impossibility!

Then there is the little matter of the 4 minute mile, a record that was impossible to break. Roger Bannister, a 25 year old British medical student broke the record on May 6th, 1954 with a 3 minute 59.4 second time. Then less than 6 weeks later Australian runner John Landy ran even faster with a 3 minute 57.9 second time and there have many others...the current record is now held by Moroccan runner Hicham El Guerrouj at 3min 43.13 seconds in Rome, Italy in 1999. Why is it that no one ever ran this fast but once the record was broken by one person many others were able to break it? Maybe because it was now perceived as possible!

I once worked for a company that had managers that told their salespeople that if they hadn't "tracked" in their sales at a certain rate that they would never reach their goal! They began managing with negativity and fear and now they keep missing goals and they don't understand why. The company I currently work for tells us to do our best and we will reach our goals... and guess what -- we do! It's in the same economic climate, and the goals are still steep... the difference is the attitude and the energy it creates!

The very best way to reach a goal is to focus on the goal and see yourself reaching it! Take inspired action and a positive energy will develop and the universe will conspire in your favor to enable you to reach your goal! Oh, and if you have any doubts or limiting beliefs about what's possible... read this post! Remember possible or impossible it's all relative!

Stay Tuned...

This blog is updated regularly. The fact that you have come upon it demonstrates that you have attracted it into your life and consciousness. Please bookmark this page and check back periodically. This is a work of progress, and its purpose is to instruct, entertain, and inspire you. Thank you for visiting! Your comments are welcome! See bottom of page for Notes from the Universe!