
Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Jetta Has New Shoes...

My little Jetta is very happy tonight with it's new tires! The old ones were very worn -- with good reason I guess... the warranty ran out about 5,000 miles ago. Regrettably I ended up at Belle Tire. Don't get me wrong... they did a good job putting the tires on. It's just that their trust factor is not very high in my opinion. But I really researched this purchase and they didn't talk me into the highest priced tires.

My friend and client Todd Gulich, of Liberty Tire, was a very valued adviser! I would have loved to purchase my tires from his shop but the Belle Tire is just a couple of miles from my house -- I could walk there if I had to... as opposed to the 20 mile hike to Todd's store. I do highly recommend Todd though, he is knowledgeable and honest. I never get the feeling that he's pushing me into a certain product so he can make more money. (Which is exactly the feeling I get when dealing with the folks at Belle!)

Today they informed me that NOW I will be needing struts to the tune of another $600.00! I took that recommendation with a huge grain of salt. The car drives well -- and even better than before now that it has new tires. I will keep an eye on the struts and get a second opinion before I do anything. I really like this little car... and I have sentimental attachments to it as well, since my Dad's car was the down payment on it after he passed away just over 5 years ago.

The last payment will be made next week! Woo Hoo! Now I just need to get a new radio/CD Player! I will go to Best Buy and get a nice one... maybe XM or HD even... but the main thing I need is the CD Player. I want to listen to my Infinite Possibilities CD's from Mike Dooley and no sooner than I got them, did I discover that the CD Player was dead!

One thing at a time... I'm hoping to get that fixed next month!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Turandot at the DOH

We were fortunate enough to be invited to MOT's dress rehearsal for Turandot this evening. It was delightful! If you are planning to see it you are in for a treat! I just love the beautiful aria in the 3rd act. Don't know opera? You've heard this aria, trust me, it's famous... in fact I think this is the one of the arias you hear in the 1981 movie Moonstruck, with Nick Cage and Cher.

We were invited tonight because, our son David, now 23, was in the children's chorus, for Michigan Opera Theatre, and tonight there was an alumni meeting. David is currently in NYC attending AMDA -- The American Musical & Dramatic Academy. We went to represent him and to say "Hi!" to Susanne Acton, The Children's Chorus Master, for him! It was good to see everyone there! They are working to expand the children's program, which is great, because many of the children that have been involved with MOT have gone on like David to study and pursue professional careers on Broadway or in Opera.

Nancy Florwokski, founder and director, of Motor City Youth Theatre was also there. Her daughter Jenny and David were in several operas together. Jenny is an AMDA alumni and has been in national tours with "42nd Street" and "Cats" and continues to perform professionally and pursue her acting career. It was Nancy's "Redford Youth Theatre" that first introduced David to acting... and he immediately fell in love with theatre! Nancy urged us to have him audition for MOT and between his experiences at MOT and RYT his love for theatre took off. He regularly begged us to move to NYC when he was growing up. Now he is there pursuing his dream and we are proud of him! He will be seeing Turnadot soon as well... at the Met! Oh to be a young theatre student in the Big Apple!

David is working hard to make his dreams come true! That he is in New York at all is a miracle. We didn't think he'd be able to come up with the funding, but he did... for one year. To stay in NYC will take another miracle, but David is confident that it will happen. I really think of the "Pursuit of Happyness" story when I think of David. He has that kind of determination -- and also seems to have The Law of Attraction working for him as well!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Step out of your comfort zone!

What "gifts" are you hiding? What treasures do you have hidden away deep inside you? Do you have talents that you are not using? Step up to the plate and share your treasures. Think how much better the world would be if everyone would do this!

Many neglect to share talents out of fear... fear of failure, fear of rejection, and just plain fear! I am here to tell you that it is good for you to step out of your comfort zone.

Risk a little! Live a little! Life is short and there is far more to be lost "playing it safe" than taking a risk and stepping up to the plate. The thing that finally got me to take action on this was the thought that I have this talent for a reason... and I not using it... I have a moral responsibility to use my all my talents for the common good... even if I'm afraid... even if I feel like I can't make a difference. Especially if I feel like I can't make a difference... because there is nothing more empowering than discovering that I can make a difference! You can too! Don't be afraid! Don't hide! It will be uncomfortable at first, but it will get easier. The rewards are great, for you and the Universe!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

"Security is mostly a superstition."

Do you ever get the feeling the Universe is talking to you directly. After a wonderful day surrounded by good friends (Today was Spa Day at my house!) We went out with more good friends to our Stagecrafters Theatre... where we have a season subscription. Tonight's play was "The Miracle Worker" and while I was looking forward to seeing our friends I wasn't really thinking the play would be good.

Imagine my surprise when, after a day of watching "The Secret" and attending a coaching workshop on implementing desired changes in one's life... I saw "Security is mostly a superstition." on the screen on stage! How true is that! This is from a poem by Helen Keller. The whole poem follows:

Let Us Have Faith

by Helen Keller
(1880 - 1968)

Security is mostly a superstition.
It does not exist in nature,
nor do the children of men as a whole experience it.
Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure.
Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.
To keep our faces toward change and
behave like free spirits
in the presence of fate is strength undefeatable.

Many of us have found ourselves in place in life where we just want to run and hide. Sometimes it's a bad work situation, or health problems, or a role that is put upon us by "fate" and we are left feeling like we have no control. We want to be "safe"... but the safety we envision is an illusion. In reality the only "safety" may be to charge full speed ahead right through the very thing that terrifies us. There is no safety!... so you might as well enjoy the ride... do what you would do if you knew you couldn't fail!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Second Day

I went to the Bikram Studio again today. I'm loving this! Yesterday I had a total wave on anxiety at one point. It gets VERY HOT... and I started to think... I wonder if anyone ever passes out... or gets sick.... not a good train of thought -BUT- just as my mind started to go that way the teacher addressed anxiety and said just to breathe through it, as if she could read my mind! I did (concentrate on my breathe) and I survived! Today the 90 minutes went much faster --really it didn't seem to last more than 89 minutes! HA! All joking aside I thought we had another half hour to go when class was done. What a great feeling! Not that I wanted it to last that much longer... I was thrilled that it was over ...but I feel great now! Can't wait for tomorrow's class!

90 Minutes - 26 Postures - 105 degree room

Can you say intense?! My first yoga class at the Bikram Studio in Farmington Hills really was! I love the classes at my first studio(Astarte yoga) and I love the yoga teacher (Katerina)... but it falls during the middle of the day and only once per week ( ok more if I go during my prime selling time -- but I really do need to be out selling)... The Bikram studio has classes at the end of the day and every class is the same... (that would be HOT and INTENSE) I think I will try this for a while at least and see how it goes long term.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

I have recently discovered yoga... and it is just the greatest! The current studio I'm attending has a wonderful yoga teacher... but the class is in the middle of the day and they just have a few classes I can attend (classes that are not more advanced) I have found another studio that I will try... I hope I will like it, because the classes are all for beginners and the times are great for me! It is Bikram Yoga and I am very anxious to try it! This past week as been very hectic and stressful... in that I have not been able to keep my regular schedule... next week should be much better!

Stay Tuned...

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