
Saturday, June 8, 2013

I'm back!

Me today!  In a new life!
I had moved this blog to another site ... but I am back!  No less than six years later and another life time!  I have been (and continue to be on an amazing journey!  I will update this blog as quickly as I can. It is a bit amusing to me that my absence parallels the same kind of absence as the sitcom Arrested Development.  I am back from my own "dark period," but not because my life was cancelled by a network and picked up again by Netflix!

No in my case I went on a long and winding journey.  In the six years that passed since I last wrote on this blog I upended my life and literally nothing is the same anymore.  I am a much happier and self-fulfilled person today than I was six years ago.  At that time I was starting a journey.  It was a necessary journey but scary at times.

I used to love reading Gail Sheehy's book, Passages.  I was anticipating my own midlife crisis.  I just didn't know how to get off the Merry-go-round that I had been on all my life.  I thought the world would stop turning if I dare put myself first in life!  I was sure that if I wasn't careful my life would shatter and then it would never be the same again.... and that's exactly what happened.  Thank God!

I did everything I could to try to be the person that I thought others wanted me to be.  Finally I had to be who I was.  That is not such an easy task when all you've ever done is try to please everyone else.  But then discovering who I was turned out to be easier than I could have ever dreamed.  There were early stirrings and false starts, but then there was a Qigong class and that led to transformation!

Well not just one class.  Over the better part of four years I studied and practiced Qigong for two to three hours a day, sometimes more.  When I first found the classes online I was thrilled.  Qigong was being taught just five minutes from my house.  I was always looking up esoteric practices and they were always being taught on the West Coast or in Europe.   But this, this was literally right around the corner.  I went and I was hooked.

During that four years I upended  my life and changed everything that was no longer serving me.  I have a new life now!

So I have been busy dear reader, since last we met!  I left a marriage of 30+ years.  I've fought and slain dragons and other demons (my own) and found my path!  And now I walk proudly as the person I am:     A Reiki Master, intuitive coach, graduate level Social work student, business woman, and  mother.  Life is good!

1 comment:

Reiki Ranch said...

Attracting Wealth-- You visited my site Reiki Energy Healing- Reiki Wealth and abundance
and you invited me to comment on your site!

Thank you so much! You have a great site on Attracting Wealth... keep up the good work!

Taylore Vance
Reiki Master
Prosperity, Wealth and Abundaunce. Healing your poverty consciousiness

Stay Tuned...

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