
Monday, June 17, 2013

Great Summer Movie!

I saw The Internship last night and really enjoyed it!  If google wasn't already slammed with resumes they will be now!  Check it out and enjoy!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Dress (your feelings) for success!

Back when I worked in advertising I learned that image is everything!  Dress for Success  was the big book to read and the philosophy to follow.   The theory was that if you wanted your bosses' job you should dress like your boss!  This "dressing' went as far as what kind of car you drove (at least here in the Motor City!)

I believe that the "science" behind this is not only do you project to others that you are that management material, by dressing this way but more importantly you project this image to yourself!  Doing so changes your vibration.

So today I am prescribing an exercise for attracting wealth, or anything else that you want.  We will do this by making your vibration match what you desire.  In this case I am using money as the example.  You cannot attract money (or anything else) by feeling lack. (Except more lack!)

So think of a time when you had money, or at the very least that you felt secure and happy.... not like the wolf was at your door.  What did that feel like?  Get into that memory and feel what it felt like.  What were the details of the environment?  It is important to imagine this in as much detail as you can.  Feel how it felt!

Now maybe the time you are imagining was not one of wealth, just relative comfort to where things stand now.  That's okay!  The idea is to feel how that comfort and security felt.  Relish that feeling and expand upon it!  Once you are comfortable feeling the comfort imagine that you have more than enough money and no wants whatsoever.  Now really get into that feeling!  See your self happy and living comfortably!

I am not suggesting here that no work or effort is needed to get to this place; I am merely saying that you will notice that when you do carry this "wealthy feeling" with you things will "coincidentally" lineup to make it happen.

Being in this feeling of having enough, of allowing money into your life raises your vibration to match that.  You will find that you actually start to attract money!  (This can also work for love as well!)
Practicing this wealthy feeling exercise develops a muscle that resets your vibration.  You will no longer give off a feeling of desperation which is not attractive, but instead a feeling of ease, confidence and enough which is very attractive!

You might also repeat daily when you meditate:  I am enough, I have enough, I am perfect just the way I am.  In this moment I am okay and I have everything that I need.  Feel that!  Now go forth and attract wealth!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Life is Good!

I love to relax on a summer Sunday morning at my favorite Starbucks with my trusty laptop.  There is something about writing in a public place that is invigorating. To my left a pair of 20 something women discussing wedding plans, to my right a graphic artist in conversation with her client.  Since ancient times we have plied our crafts in a community setting.  I think of a scene from the opera Tosca, set with the artist working on a portrait in the town square.

I bring my own energy as well and my reminisces of yesterday's gathering to celebrate my graduation with a small group of friends and family!  I am content with life as I embark on my eight month advanced standing MSW program at Wayne State.  Soon I will be up to my eyeballs in reading and seemingly endless papers, which makes this morning even more sweet!  Life is good!  

Where does your journey take you today?  

Saturday, June 8, 2013

I'm back!

Me today!  In a new life!
I had moved this blog to another site ... but I am back!  No less than six years later and another life time!  I have been (and continue to be on an amazing journey!  I will update this blog as quickly as I can. It is a bit amusing to me that my absence parallels the same kind of absence as the sitcom Arrested Development.  I am back from my own "dark period," but not because my life was cancelled by a network and picked up again by Netflix!

No in my case I went on a long and winding journey.  In the six years that passed since I last wrote on this blog I upended my life and literally nothing is the same anymore.  I am a much happier and self-fulfilled person today than I was six years ago.  At that time I was starting a journey.  It was a necessary journey but scary at times.

I used to love reading Gail Sheehy's book, Passages.  I was anticipating my own midlife crisis.  I just didn't know how to get off the Merry-go-round that I had been on all my life.  I thought the world would stop turning if I dare put myself first in life!  I was sure that if I wasn't careful my life would shatter and then it would never be the same again.... and that's exactly what happened.  Thank God!

I did everything I could to try to be the person that I thought others wanted me to be.  Finally I had to be who I was.  That is not such an easy task when all you've ever done is try to please everyone else.  But then discovering who I was turned out to be easier than I could have ever dreamed.  There were early stirrings and false starts, but then there was a Qigong class and that led to transformation!

Well not just one class.  Over the better part of four years I studied and practiced Qigong for two to three hours a day, sometimes more.  When I first found the classes online I was thrilled.  Qigong was being taught just five minutes from my house.  I was always looking up esoteric practices and they were always being taught on the West Coast or in Europe.   But this, this was literally right around the corner.  I went and I was hooked.

During that four years I upended  my life and changed everything that was no longer serving me.  I have a new life now!

So I have been busy dear reader, since last we met!  I left a marriage of 30+ years.  I've fought and slain dragons and other demons (my own) and found my path!  And now I walk proudly as the person I am:     A Reiki Master, intuitive coach, graduate level Social work student, business woman, and  mother.  Life is good!

Stay Tuned...

This blog is updated regularly. The fact that you have come upon it demonstrates that you have attracted it into your life and consciousness. Please bookmark this page and check back periodically. This is a work of progress, and its purpose is to instruct, entertain, and inspire you. Thank you for visiting! Your comments are welcome! See bottom of page for Notes from the Universe!